Sunday, December 17, 2006


from Japanorama

My homie Slacks beat me to this one.

This is an episode of Japanorama, a BBC documentary series about Japan. Otaku is Japanese for nerd. Otaku culture is the biggest thing to hit Japan since Gojira.

BBC presenter Jonathan Ross has been spending the past few years touring Asia in documentaries, and has spent 2 seasons touring Japan with this series. The Otaku episode explores nerd culture. As happened in North America in the nineties with Geek Chic, nerds are taking over Japan. Ross tours Japanese Otaku-dom, bringing on anime, manga, model shops, maid cafes, cosplay gatherings, and the varied and decidedly weird world of Otaku culture, exploring it with the humourous eye of a European outsider, who nevertheless understands the Otaku as one of their own. Consider it an homage to international geekdom.

I had been hoping to post this yesterday, but life got in the way. At any rate, I think that posting one longer video for the weekend is likely to become a trend. This one's half an hour, so get a bevy and geek out.


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