Monday, December 11, 2006

Straight Up!

Music video time.

"User Generated" video being what it is, low budget is given a new meaning. Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on crew, lighting, sets, costumes, dancers and choreography are replaced by one guy against a beige wall with an acoustic guitar.

Acoustic covers can often sound better than the original. Certainly Torontoist thinks so, having included this in their better-the-original cover song list. "If this was a Jason Mraz, Ryan Adams or Jack Johnson track, it would be an indie smash. Believe it." Graphic designer Dave Werner has found the song's inner street cred.

Straight Up was written by Elliot Wolff, a fairly prolific music producer from the eighties. So far I haven't been able to track down a bio. If this song sounds familiar, it's because it was originally popularised by Paula Abdul. Yes, that Paula Abdul.

Dave Werner has a blog and a pretty cool portfolio site. Check 'em out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the song, but the best accoustical internet remake find that I've come across is Hey Yeah originally done by Outkast, and played by Matt Weddle.

You can find it here ->
